Increase Web Site Traffic Using Free Classifieds

Every one wants more traffic. Big company web sites, small affiliate marketing operations, eBook authors, blogs, everyone. But how do you get an increase in traffic? There are so many methods that are suggested all over the web that I could not put a number on it if I tried. But have you ever heard of using free classified ads to increase your traffic? Free classified ad sites draw in large amounts of traffic and are, as you have already guessed, geared towards promoting products and services. But did you ever consider using them for web traffic promotion? You should, in fact if you do not you are neglecting a huge flow of traffic that you could be tapping into very easily. Free classified ads are a great way of promoting online because, as mentioned above, they receive large visitor volumes and also you are allowed to promote. The reader is expecting to read a sales pitch. Most mediums of online promotion basically discourage if not totally disallow blatant promotion. Ad sites not onl...