The Best Website Hosting Providers - Value-Added Services To Expect From Them

What make the best website hosting providers are the value-added services offered and provided by them. Such features make the services more ideal.

The Domain Name

You could opt to buy a domain name for your website from the best website hosting providers. Such companies would definitely offer to register your own domain name under, of course, your name. This provision should be stated out and detailed clearly by the service provider. If not, you could check it from the company's FAQs (frequently asked questions) section. If the information is not given, contact the provider to ask about it.

Be warned. If the web host registers your domain under other people's names, your online site would surely have a problem about it. If you realized it eventually, you might be too late because there could be a difficulty in switching to a higher plan or to a new web host provider in the future. If you aim to get even with unlikely web hosts, you may need to file for UDRP or Uniform Dispute Resolution Policy, which would certainly cost more than the combined costs of the web hosting service and the domain name registration.

Useful Control Panel

The control panel is a value-added service feature that facilitates easier maintenance. It could even be considered as a necessity; thus, the best website hosting providers usually offer it. The tool would allow you to regularly maintain and modify your website account details, including email mailbox deletions or additions, resetting of passwords, web count reports generation, statistics, and web additions. Business online sites should secure this feature.

Currently, the most popular and most sought-after web host management program is cPanel. The software is actually a next-generation website host control panel system, which allows management of your own domain using a specific web interface. It could enable you to transfer control of your site management to yourself from your host. The best website hosting providers understand that you prefer to manage most aspects of your backup, emails, files, statistics, FTP, and scripts.

Other Value-Added Services

The best website hosting providers could offer and provide several other value-added features or services. The auto-installer script could help you save ample time for installing an image gallery, a forum, and a content management system. The procedure could take just a few seconds and could be performed even by novices. You would be spared from the usually tedious tasks linked with installations.

An online website builder is also a must. The added service or feature would enable you to design your website in just several minutes without any need to possess site creation knowledge and software. An example of this is what is called as the Site Studio, an editing program that is easy to use and is ideal for controlling themes and color schemes and for using ready-made templates for more convenience.


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