Free Online Classified Ads - Do These Babies Work Or Not?

 Free online classified ads. They're everywhere. But do they work?


But not how you think.

Most of us would probably run to send out tens of thousands of INDIVIDUAL free online classified ads in the hopes that one of them might hit.

Like fishing.

But there is a far smarter way to be using this free marketing tool and guess what, like everything else that is organic on the net, it involves YOUR MOST PROFITABLE KEYWORDS!

Rather than entering an ad for one affiliate product or another, what about doing a bit of keyword research first? What if you actually infused the headline of that free ad with a keyword that had the POTENTIAL to get noticed by the engines?

Rather than typing in "Make $4,750 By Next Month!" what if you actually FED the search engines what it is they are looking for (keywords that are high in demand and low in supply)?

So instead of that headline that you see above, you instead found your way to a headline for one of your free classified ads that read "Legitimate On Line Home Business Program".

I can tell you, after just glancing through the keyword software that I own, that you would be FAR more likely for the engines to care about your ad with the second headline.

In order to market through free online classified ads you need to be smarter than a surface thinker. You must look to service the needs and wants of the search engines to truly harness their power.

Here's another thing...there's a way to link HUNDREDS if not THOUSANDS of free online classified ads together and then to send them through Google that FORCES the big engines to deal with your ads.

And if you'd like to know how that jaw dropping program works. you're just going to have to sign up through the link below and find out for yourself.

Zoom4Ads offer Free Classifieds Posting for Real Estates, Hotels, Travels, Services, For Sale and Many More Categories:

Find Local Classified Ads in Car & Vehicles:


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